sábado, 30 de junio de 2007

In my hour of need
Ha! No, you're not there...
And though I reached out for you
Wouldn't lend a hand.

Through the darkest hour
Grace did not shine on me.
It feels so cold, very cold
No one cares for me.

Did you ever think I get lonely ?
Did you ever think that I needed love ?
Did you ever think to stop thinking ?
You're the only one that I'm thinking of...

You'll never know how hard I tried
to find my space and satisfy you too.

Things will be better when I'm dead and gone
Don't try to understand, knowing you I'm probably wrong.

But, oh, how I lived my life for you!
Still you'd turn away
Now as I die for you,
My flesh still crawls, as I breathe your name
All these years I thought I was wrong
Now I know it was you!
Raise you head, raise your face your eyes
Tell me, who do you think you are?

I walk, I walk alone
Into the promised land.
There's a better place for me
But it's far, far away

Everlasting life for me
In a perfect world
But I gotta die first,
Please God send me on my way !

Time has a way of taking time,
Loneliness is not only felt by fools.
Alone I call to ease the pain,
Yearning to be held by you.
Alone so alone, I'm lost
Consumed by the pain
The pain, the pain, the pain.

Won't you hold me again?
And you just laughed, ha! ha! Bitch !
My whole life is work built on the past
But the time has come when all things shall pass
This good thing passed away.

Hace meses que se me pego la cancion!>.<
si alguien es capaz de entender la letra va a cachar porque!
Y va dedicado a Cliff Burton po wn, yo no se la dedico a nadie wn.es muy fuerte la letra como pa hacer eso
>.< y las putas fichas son pal puto martes y no llevo nada, porque son una real paja, pero mañana mismo empiezo ( nunca dejen para mañana lo que deben hacer hoy ).ni cagando las hago hoy, a pesar de que no tengo sueño ni nada estoy entretenido conversando con la yanina por msn, hablando de osos choros y weas locas.
Y tengo que sacar temas que en mi vida he escuchado para Sweep ( cualquier futuro con la banda wn, sobretod con los ensayos xd )
Y como voy a sacar las was si no puedo tocar a esta hora? cuando estoy cmo 'caliente' por tocar?Lease en buen sentido por favor, no es que tenga ninguna fascinacion sexual con mi guitarra.Ymientrascorrekillthekingsebajaladiscografiadesatrianiyhabloconlayaninaquemecuentadesucuento,ymeacuerdodelcumpleañosdelantonio,quehabiapizzaydespueslomito:pestabaasirico,esetewntienewenamanoxdquegaywn:/yalguienescapazdedarselapajadeleeresto?mmaquipuedoescribirweascmopicopalqueleeyweasynadieentenderiaporqueesdificilleerweasasi.Teamoperopucha...Saiquemejoradormecemenomaysoyfeliz
Y eso :/

Filo wn